minimalist-shadows why-i-like-my-website

Hello! I'm Phii, and I'm an avid non-commercial developer, manga-binge-reader, vegetarian, programmer, writer and denglish-speaker. This is my blog, and I'll be uploading my thoughts on various random topics and links to my programming projects here over the next months/years. You can also visit me on github if you'd like to!
Criticism of everything I'm saying, as well as issues with any of my programming projects are always welcome, as long as you don't mind me fixing them ;)

Oh, and by the way: I see you have javascript deactivated for this site. Luckily, the site also works without javascript, but it will be more responsive if you activate it, plus I don't collect any data without your explicit permission. ;)

my projects

Some of my project, on whom I work in my freetime.
I pour a lot of heart blood into most of these, so feedback is always appreciated, and I love collecting shiny sparkly little stars on GitHub, so if you want to make me happy and they somehow helped you, go and show them some love :3

some essays

Here are some of my essays, at least those that are somewhat finished yet.
I use a system of ✨sparkles✨ to categorize how much effort went into each of those, or how much confidence I have in them, so you're not disappointed if you didn't like an essay I didn't pour my whole heart into. :3

Enjoy! :D