Module gender_render.pronoun_data_interface

The interface to gender*render pronoun data representations presented to the user.

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The interface to gender*render pronoun data representations presented to the user.

from typing import Union

from . import warnings
from .parse_pronoun_data import IDPD, GRPD, GRPDParser

# a class representation for pronoun data, as defined by the spec:

class PronounData:
    """A representation for pronoun data as defined by the specification."""
    def __init__(self, pronoun_data: Union[str, GRPD, IDPD, "PronounData"], takes_file_path=False,
                 warning_settings: warnings.WarningSettingType = warnings.ENABLE_DEFAULT_WARNINGS):


        # read from a file into a string, if necessary:
        if takes_file_path:
            with open(pronoun_data, "r") as pd_file:
                pd =
            pd = pronoun_data
        # take pronoun data from PronounData object, string or dict:
        if type(pd) is PronounData:
            self.grpd = pd.get_pd()
            if type(pd) is str:
                pd_as_dict = GRPDParser.pd_string_to_dict(pd)
                pd_as_dict = pd

            # raise warning if the wrong file format was chosen:
            if takes_file_path:
                file_format = pronoun_data.split(".")[-1].lower()
                content_format = "grpd" if GRPDParser.type_of_pd(pd_as_dict) is GRPD else "idpd"
                if file_format != content_format:
                        "The file format ." + file_format + " contains " + content_format + " data. "
                        + "This kind of data should e contained in ." + content_format + " files instead.",

            self.grpd = GRPDParser.full_parsing_pipeline(pd_as_dict)

    def get_pd(self):
        """Returns the PronounData representations actual pronoun data structure."""
        return self.grpd


class PronounData (pronoun_data: Union[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, str]], Dict[str, str], _ForwardRef('PronounData')], takes_file_path=False, warning_settings: Union[Set[Type[Union[GRWarningGRLogging]]], FrozenSet[Type[Union[GRWarningGRLogging]]]] = frozenset({<class 'gender_render.warnings.FreeGenderedPersonNounWarning'>, <class 'gender_render.warnings.GenderedNounsBuildFromWebWarning'>, <class 'gender_render.warnings.FreeUngenderedPersonNounWarning'>, <class 'gender_render.warnings.DefaultValueUsedWarning'>, <class 'gender_render.warnings.NotAPersonNounWarning'>, <class 'gender_render.warnings.UnexpectedFileFormatWarning'>, <class 'gender_render.warnings.NotANounWarning'>, <class 'gender_render.warnings.IdMatchingNecessaryWarning'>, <class 'gender_render.warnings.NotAWordWarning'>, <class 'gender_render.warnings.UnknownPropertyWarning'>, <class 'gender_render.warnings.FreePronounFoundWarning'>, <class 'gender_render.warnings.GRWarning'>, <class 'gender_render.warnings.NounGenderingGuessingsWarning'>}))

A representation for pronoun data as defined by the specification.

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class PronounData:
    """A representation for pronoun data as defined by the specification."""
    def __init__(self, pronoun_data: Union[str, GRPD, IDPD, "PronounData"], takes_file_path=False,
                 warning_settings: warnings.WarningSettingType = warnings.ENABLE_DEFAULT_WARNINGS):


        # read from a file into a string, if necessary:
        if takes_file_path:
            with open(pronoun_data, "r") as pd_file:
                pd =
            pd = pronoun_data
        # take pronoun data from PronounData object, string or dict:
        if type(pd) is PronounData:
            self.grpd = pd.get_pd()
            if type(pd) is str:
                pd_as_dict = GRPDParser.pd_string_to_dict(pd)
                pd_as_dict = pd

            # raise warning if the wrong file format was chosen:
            if takes_file_path:
                file_format = pronoun_data.split(".")[-1].lower()
                content_format = "grpd" if GRPDParser.type_of_pd(pd_as_dict) is GRPD else "idpd"
                if file_format != content_format:
                        "The file format ." + file_format + " contains " + content_format + " data. "
                        + "This kind of data should e contained in ." + content_format + " files instead.",

            self.grpd = GRPDParser.full_parsing_pipeline(pd_as_dict)

    def get_pd(self):
        """Returns the PronounData representations actual pronoun data structure."""
        return self.grpd


def get_pd(self)

Returns the PronounData representations actual pronoun data structure.

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def get_pd(self):
    """Returns the PronounData representations actual pronoun data structure."""
    return self.grpd